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Yamatomichi Now Available at
morimori, Hong Kong


We’re thrilled to welcome morimori in Hong Kong to the Yamatomichi family.

Located in the heart of Kowloon, morimori curates a diverse selection of hiking gear from around the world while actively providing a space for hikers to connect and explore the world of ultralight hiking, through events and community-building initiatives.

Our relationship with morimori’s owners, Donald and Ruby, began in 2019. Since then, they have visited our Kamakura store and participated in our events multiple times, strengthening our shared vision for the hiking community.

In June 2024, we co-hosted a pop-up shop and talk event at morimori, which was met with an overwhelming response from the Hong Kong hiking community.

We are excited to further this collaboration, and starting Saturday, March 22, 2025, Yamatomichi products will officially be available at morimori.

For hikers in Hong Kong and those passing through, be sure to swing by morimori and check out the gear. And while you’re there, give a nod to Donald—this wouldn’t have happened without him. Thank you Donald.

A Message from Ruby and Donald

Hello, everyone! We’re Donald and Ruby, the founders of morimori.

For over a decade, Donald has explored a diverse range of fields, from art, literature, and academia to education, translation, media, and publishing. Meanwhile, Ruby is a graphic designer specializing in visual media and video production. While Donald thrives on written expression, Ruby brings stories to life through visuals.

Our love for the outdoors goes way back to our middle school days. Inspired by our geography teacher—who became a mentor to us—we gradually discovered our passion for hiking.

In 2017, we noticed that Hong Kong lacked select shops offering unique outdoor gear. That realization sparked the idea for morimori, a brand dedicated to expanding Hong Kong’s outdoor culture. As we immersed ourselves in ultralight hiking, we became captivated by its philosophy and approach. In 2019, thanks to a friend’s invitation, we joined the Hike Life Community Tour in Hong Kong, hosted by Yamatomichi. That’s where we met Akira and the wonderful Yamatomichi team—connections that would shape our journey in ways we never expected.

From there, our bond deepened. We visited Kamakura multiple times, attended the Yamatomichi Festival, and built a friendship where conversations flowed effortlessly. In June 2024, with the trust and support of Yamatomichi, we co-hosted a pop-up shop and talk event—an unforgettable experience that reinforced our shared passion.

Now, as part of our mission to spread ultralight hiking, morimori will officially carry Yamatomichi products starting in March 2025. But we’re not just here to offer gear—we want to share product insights, introduce the philosophy behind ultralight hiking, and help cultivate a thriving community in Hong Kong. Our goal is simple: to make ultralight hiking more accessible, approachable, and inspiring for everyone.

Looking forward to the journey ahead!

Store Information

Address: Unit J, 9/F, Maxgrand Plaza, No.3 Tai Yau Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong (Google Maps)
Website: https://www.morimori.live/
Instagram: @morimori__outdoorhk
Contact: moritooutdoor@gmail.com

Sales Information
The official morimori sales launch is set for Saturday, March 22, 2025.
Future restocks will align with Yamatomichi’s official Product Release Schedule.









由於香港缺乏具個性化的登山選物店,所以我們在2017年創立了『morimori』,希望能夠為香港提供另類的登山用品。及至超輕量登山文化對我們的影響漸深,以後便一頭栽進超輕量登山的浩瀚世界裡。2019年我們獲朋友邀請參與了「山與道」『HIKE LIFE COMMUNITY TOUR 2019 in 香港』的活動,認識了包括創辦人夏目夫婦以及其他「山與道」的朋友。往後我們保持友好關係,也多次造訪鎌倉交流、參加「山道祭」活動等,在互相深入認識下,漸漸成為無所不談的好朋友。去年6月,在「山與道」友人信任及大力支持下,我們共同舉辦了快閃店&座談會活動,盡是美好的回憶。

作為一所以推廣超輕量登山為樂的選物店,『morimori』很高興於2025年3月份迎來了「山與道」的全面銷售,並且建立更加深厚的合作關係。這標誌著我們將為「山與道」產品提供更詳細的說明及相關知識,並且一起推動及交流超輕量登山的方法、哲學和文化,令香港超輕量登山社群不斷成長。我們希望超輕量登山今後能在香港逐漸成為更加貼近人群的領域。加入「山與道」 的大家庭是一件令我們感到幸福的事,我們相信這個大家庭在未來一定能夠為我們帶來更多激勵,彼此也會互相砥礪進步。


地址:Unit J, 9/F, Maxgrand Plaza, No.3 Tai Yau Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong(Google Map

